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Biomethane Islands


To achieve decarbonisation targets all gas network operators in the UK need to demonstrate that the gas network can safely, technically and economically facilitate the distribution of low-carbon gases (biomethane and hydrogen). In response to this challenge, SGN aim to review the feasibility of the formation of biomethane islands in their Scotland area of operation. The outputs of this project will establish a business model for the optimisation of biomethane injection and formation of biomethane islands across the UK’s gas network. A feasibility study will address key areas including regulatory, technical, environmental, social, and commercial aspects as well as comprehensively assess the viability of developing Biomethane Islands. The outcome of the feasibility study will be to inform decision-making regarding project implementation. This will be captured and delivered in a comprehensive report and financial model of the business case. These islands will serve as models for sustainable living, demonstrating the feasibility and benefits of a circular economy approach to energy production and waste management and offer a low disruption option for the decarbonisation of all classes of gas consumers - Industrial, Commercial, and Domestic.

Whilst the injection of biomethane into the gas grid is a well-known activity that is undertaken by all gas network operators across the UK, injection of biomethane is currently being done in a blending capacity. As it stands, biomethane does not currently act as the sole energy supply for defined areas of the UK’s network. This project will generate new learning with regards to the use of biomethane as the sole energy source into defined network areas, creating so called ‘islands’. The project will inform what operational, technological, regulatory, economic, planning and infrastructural factors are required to facilitate the development of biomethane ‘islands’, in turn supplying new decarbonisation options that can feed into each gas network operators strategies.

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