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Stopple-Live trial (Phase 2)


The Stopple technology is a flow stop tool essential for major projects and emergency works across the LTS and NTS gas network. Its capability was tested in 100% hydrogen within a helinite environment, in line with LTS Futures parameters as phase 1. This project focuses on validating flow-stopping technology as an additional deliverable with LTS Futures live hydrogen trial on the Granton to Grangemouth pipeline as a welded tee and hot-tapping operations is already being carried out. The trial will confirm the Stopple train’s effectiveness as a double-block and bleed solution for a 100% hydrogen system which will be available for the UK Gas Network. The findings will provide critical insights into the safe and efficient operation of the hydrogen networks supporting the transition from natural gas to hydrogen.

The project will provide crucial data on the STOPPLE Train system’s compatibility with 100% hydrogen as a reference for the Network licensees and relevant industry. This includes data on the performance of seals, materials, and overall system functionality, the effectiveness of safety measures and any potential hazards identified, deployment time, ease of operation, and any operational challenges encountered in a hydrogen environment.

The data collected during the project will inform future development and optimisation of the STOPPLE Train technology for use in hydrogen pipelines, such as material selection, design improvements, and operational procedures

file format pdf download NIA2_SGN0076_NIA_Project_Eligibility_Assessment_2025-01-22.pdf

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