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Hydrogen Permeation through the Oxide Layer Phase 1


This project is looking to address uncertainties surrounding LTS pipeline materials by investigating the effect of the oxide layer on hydrogen permeation rate for steel pipelines. This project will also investigate the formation of an oxide layer inside the pipe at different temperatures, as well as how the microstructure of the pipeline steel and condition of the oxide layer affect permeation for different grades of steel. It is critical this relation is better understood as these uncertainties are currently hindering our ability to fully and accurately assess the repurposing of the LTS. The outcomes of this project have the potential to increase cost-savings and improve confidence in the existing network to carry hydrogen, including blends.

As a result of this work, SGN will be able to assess potential risks in repurposing the pipeline for hydrogen service in terms of the suitability of the material and the effect of oxide build on the pipe inner surface. Learnings will be disseminated to the other gas networks through the NSI group and will be available to all relevant stakeholders through the report.
file format pdf download NIA2_SGN0078_NIA_Project_Eligibility_Assessment_2025-01-28.pdf

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